Tri means "3" & Quad means "4"

A. At age ninety-nine, great-grandmother is nearly a (1) old.
B. The military headquarters of the United States is shaped like an equilateral five-sided polygon called a (2) .
C. The (3) , or Ten Commandments, created a covenant between God and the Israelites.
D. The (4) is an arthropod with many legs.
E. C. S. Lewis created a three-novel science fiction (5) called Perelandra.
F. This puppy is a (6) and the last born in a litter of five.
G. The Greek god Poseidon is usually pictured holding a pitchfork-like weapon called a (7)
H. A four-legged animal, such as a horse, is called a (8) .
I. A (9) should celebrate four decades instead of forty years because forty candles are too many to put on a birthday cake.
J. While eating a red crab at the seafood restaurant, my silly, scientific sister said that she was eating a (10) .
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