Cap- means "head"


DIRECTIONS: Choose the word which best completes the sentence.

A. The governor and the state legislature met today in Columbus, the (1) of Ohio.
B. Which fairy tale tells the story of a girl wearing a red (2) as she walks to her grandmother’s house?
C. The play’s costume designer was (3) and made a last-minute change to everyone’s costumes.
D. Wear a (4) on sunny days to shade your eyes and protect your scalp from sunburn.
E. The (5) gave the order to abandon ship when a hidden reef ripped a hole in the side.
F. The review page will (6) the important vocabulary words that we learned in this chapter.
G. The horse’s (7) was decorated with the knight’s colors.
H. Jeff is a firm believer in (8) and plans to own and operate his own business someday.
I. The sharp blade of the guillotine is designed to (9) one’s enemies.
J. The candidate who received fewer votes was forced to (10) the election to his opponent.
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