Suffixes - Twenty Most Used in Printed School English
DIRECTIONS: Choose the suffix which fits the meaning of the word.
1. If a believer possesses the qualities of having joy, the believer is joy
2. If a computer has a defect, then it is defect
3. If a computer program is characterized by having faults, the program is fault
4. If a fraction can be reduced, the fraction is reduc
5. If a ladder can be extended, the ladder is extend
6. If a magnet performs the act or process of attracting something, then the magnet has an attract
7. If a mineral is tested for the condition of being hard, a geologist is testing for hard
8. If a person is without a home, the person is home
9. If a student is in the process of being enrolled in school, the student is completing his enroll
10. If an action has the character of being quick, it was performed quick
11. If someone has more than one dog, that person has dog
12. If the jewelry is made of gold, the jewelry is gold
13. If worshipers are in the state of being solemn, they are demonstrating solemn
14. If you achieve the best score in the class, your scores are the high
15. If you are full of hope, then you are hope
16. If you are in the state of being kind, you are showing kind
17. If you are one who instructs, you are an instruct
18. If you have less than another person, you have few
19. If you made a jump in the past, you jump
20. If you walk at the present time, you are walk
21. If your clothing has the characteristics of a polite form, your clothing is form
22. If your writings have the characteristics of those of a poet, your writings are poet