A Beka Reading 6 Unit 6

(1) Sue is such a (1) ; she won’t lend me a dollar even though she has plenty of cash.
(2) “You’re welcome,” whispered Joe in an (2) when his friend forgot to thank him for the rescue.
(3) The wooden railroad (3) had rotted making the old mountain track dangerous.
(4) Our huge German shepherd (4) into the small kitchen and knocked the dishes off the table.
(5) The early church prayed (5) for Peter, then an angel rescued him from prison.
(6) The ranch (6) told the cowboys to repair the fence in the north pasture.
(7) The (7) football player easily blocked the opposing team players.
(8) Stan shifted the wrong way in the kayak causing it to (8) and to dunk him in the lake.
(9) Rodents have large incisors which can be used as a (9) to chip away at wood and tough nut shells.
(10) Although it was newborn, the baby giraffe was a (10) six feet in height.
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