Abeka Reading 4 Quick Quiz 4

The audience stood and clapped wildly after the (1) performance.
The player was (2) from the race because he was too old.
My coach timed my 100 meter dash with his (3) at practice.
My certificate has an (4) ; my name is spelled incorrectly.
"Slow and steady wins the race" is the (5) of the fable, "The Tortoise and the Hare."
I realized this book was (6) when it talked about aliens from outer space.
I like (7) writing in which the author tells a story.
Mysteries have a different (8) from a news report.
My brother prefers (9) writing and enjoys news reports, history books, and biographies.
Greed has consequences is the (10) of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader in which Eustace becomes a dragon because he wants it treasures.
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