Abeka Reading 4 Quick Quiz 3

Tom (1) the taste of the hot chocolate that Mom made.
The duck (2) her feathers with her bill to make them water-resistant.
Jill (3) the new shoes that her friend had and begged her mom to buy her a pair.
I like books in which the (4) is a character that tells the story by saying "I" or "me."
From the character's (5) , he couldn't know his friends were keeping a secret from him.
I have great (6) for my pastor who is a caring Bible teacher.
The character in this story (7) jumped into the lake to save his friend.
Allowing everyone to enjoy all their rights as citizens is an example of (8) .
Mom gave me a (9) look when she told me to clean my room or else.
When a bird molts, it grows new (10) near its skin and sheds its old feathers.
My cat is the (11) pet I've ever had and can sneak into any house on the block.
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