Abeka Reading 4 Quick Quiz 16

If you don't open the (1) , the fire won't get any air.
We lost power during the (2) and had to keep warm with sleeping bags and extra blankets.
I wrote a (3) about the time I got lost in the forest.
Jeff thrashed his arms and kicked his legs (4) when he fell unexpectedly into the lake.
The mother spoke (5) about safely crossing the street to her young child.
I like white (6) clouds that drift lazily across the sky.
The horse bolted in (7) fear when a bird startled it by flapping its wings in the horse's face.
Dad let us roast marshmallows in the fireplace while sitting on the (8) .
My horse sneezed and blew a (9) of hay into the air.
Jack tried not to (10) under the load he carried.
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