Abeka Reading 4 Quick Quiz 13

Sally is very (1) and always notices small details.
At the barbeque, we (2) on prime rib, baked potatoes, and corn on the cob.
Each month the Sunday School children collect coins for the soup kitchen to show (3) to those who are in need.
Her (4) of horses happened after a horse bucked her off.
Sam showed (5) by saving his money for a new bike rather than wasting it on candy.
Jill is (6) and becomes fearful if she is left alone.
My grandma's (7) was full of joy and love.
His first job was as a (8) for the parking garage, opening and lowering the gate.
At the Christmas pageant, all the angels were (9) in white robes and gold halos.
Daily Bible reading is an act of (10) that will deepen your love for God.
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