Chapter 9 Review - Part 2: A Variety of Vertebrates

(1) Lizards can shed their tails to escape their predators.
A (2) can squirt a stream of blood from its eyes.
A (3) is the lizard found in the southwestern United States that can stun its prey with poison.
A (4) is the lizard found in Mexico and Guatemala that can stun its prey with poison.
A (5) is a lizard that can change its color to match its surroundings.
The (6) is a lizard that is more at home in the water than on land.
The (7) is the only reptile to guard its eggs until they hatch.
The (8) lives only in the southeastern United States and along China’s Yangtze River.
The (9) is the upper section of the turtle’s shell.
(10) are the round, tough layers of skin covering a turtle’s shell.
(11) turtles are the largest group of turtles.
(12) is the name given to land turtles.
Salamanders are (13) .
The (14) salamander is the largest in the world.
Young amphibians breathe with (15) .
Some amphibians go through body changes called (16)
Baby frogs and toads are called (17) .
Amphibians secrete a mildly poisonous substance called (18) to protect themselves.
(19) have bulging eyes, upper jaw teeth, moist skin, powerful jumping legs, and lay eggs in clusters.
(20) have poison glands behind their eyes, no teeth, bumpy dry skin, walking legs, and lay eggs in a long chain.
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