Ped- & Pod- means "foot"


DIRECTIONS: Choose the word which best completes the sentence.

A. Is a bear considered a (1) because it has four legs?
B. To start this sewing machine, press the foot (2) .
C. John used a (3) under his camera to keep it steady for the long exposure.
D. Dan went to see a (4) to treat his foot pain.
E. Although it does not have one hundred legs, a (5) is a worm-like invertebrate with many legs.
F. I like to have a (6) and get my toenails painted before wearing sandals.
G. When you are driving a car, be sure to look for a (7) who might be crossing the street on foot.
H. Emma Lazarus wrote the poem, "The New Colossus," which is inscribed on the (8) of the Statue of Liberty.
I. We kept track of how far we walked by wearing a (9) .
J. A tree which had fallen across the trail was a definite (10) to our hike.
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