A Beka Reading 6 Unit 16

(1) The knight wore (1) armor to protect him during the joust.
(2) Did the angry fan who was asked to leave (2) at the referee?
(3) Mom stopped at the (3) to buy lunch meat and cheese for our lunches.
(4) The colonel ordered the (4) to hold the line against the enemy.
(5) Singer and songwriter Dolly Parton is considered to be the grand (5) of country music.
(6) The doctor administered the (6) to the troops to prevent the spread of the disease.
(7) Many river towns have built a (7) to prevent flooding after heavy rains.
(8) The two coastal cities are only a (8) away, but only one has a port large enough for large ships.
(9) She will (9) the difficult meeting with a smile on her face.
(10) The rescue worker slung the rope and (10) it to a sturdy rock before climbing down.
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