Consonant and Short Vowel Blends
Consonant and Long Vowel Blends
Blends with Special Sounds 1 (A Beka Chart 6)
Short Vowels
bl, cl, fl, gl sh, st, th fr, tr, thLong Vowels
bl, cl, fl, gl sh, st, th fr, tr, th
Blends with Special Sounds Set 2 (A Beka Chart 7)
Short Vowels
br, cr, dr gr, pr, tw sc, sm, sn sk, sl, sp scr, spr, str spl, squ, swLong Vowels
br, cr, dr gr, pr, tw sc, sm, sn, sk, sl, sp scr, spr, str spl, squ, sw
Blends with Special Sounds Set 3 (A Beka Chart 8)