Study Questions: Acts 1 - 4
Memory Verses: Acts 1-4
Study Questions: Acts 5-7
Memory Verses: Acts 5-7
Study Questions: Acts 8-10
- 8a Acts 8:1-3 Saul the Persecutor
- 8b Acts 8:26-40 Conversion of the Ethiopian Official
- 9a Acts 9:1-9 The Damascus Road
- 9b Acts 9:10-19 Saul's Baptism
- 9c Acts 9:20-25 Saul Proclaiming the Messiah
- 9d Acts 9:36-43 Dorcas Restored to Life
- 10a Acts 10:1-8 Cornelius's Vision
- 10b Acts 10:9-16 Peter's Vision
- 10c Acts 10:17-33 Peter Visits Cornelius
- 10d Acts 10:34-43 Good News for Gentiles
- 10e Acts 10:44-48 Gentile Conversion and Baptism
Memory Verses: Acts 8-10
Study Questions: Acts 12-14
- 12a Acts 12:1-9 James Martyred & Peter Jailed
- 12b Acts 12:10-19 Peter Rescued
- 12c Acts 12:20-25 Herod's Death
- 13a Acts 13:1-12 Preparing for the Mission Field
- 13b Acts 13:42-52 Paul & Barnabas in Antioch
- 14a Acts 14:1-10 Growth & Persecution in Iconium
- 14b Acts 14:11-17 Mistaken for Gods in Lystra
- 14c Acts 14:18-28 Mistaken for Gods in Lystra
Memory Verses: Acts 12-14
Scripture quotations marked CSB and verses used in the games have been taken from the Christian Standard Bible®. Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible®, and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers, all rights reserved.