Old Testament Heroes - Bible Bowl 2018
David, 1 Samuel 16 and 17
Memory Verses About David
- 16:7 1 Samuel 16:7, CSB
- 16:13 1 Samuel 16:13, CSB
- 17:32 1 Samuel 17:32, CSB
- 17:33 1 Samuel 17:33, CSB
- 17:36 1 Samuel 17:36, CSB
- 17:37 1 Samuel 17:37, CSB
- 17:43 1 Samuel 17:43, CSB
- 17:45 1 Samuel 17:45, CSB
- 17:47 1 Samuel 17:47, CSB
- 17:50 1 Samuel 17:50, CSB
Elijah, 1 Kings 17 - 2 Kings 2:11
Memory Verses about Elijah
- 18:3 1 Kings 18:3, CSB
- 18:18 1 Kings 18:18, CSB
- 18:21 1 Kings 18:21, CSB
- 18:22 1 Kings 18:22, CSB
- 18:24 1 Kings 18:24, CSB
- 18:27 1 Kings 18:27, CSB
- 18:37 1 Kings 18:37, CSB
- 18:38 1 Kings 18:38, CSB
- 18:39 1 Kings 18:39, CSB
- 2:11 2 Kings 2:11
Elisha, 2 Kings 2 - 5
- 2
2 2 Kings 2:12-14
- 4a
4a 2 Kings 4:1-7
- 4b
4b 2 Kings 4:8-10
- 4c
4c 2 Kings 4:11-17
- 4d
4d 2 Kings 4:18-25
- 4e
4e 2 Kings 4:26-31
- 4f
4f 2 Kings 4:32-37
- 5a
5a 2 Kings 5:1-6
- 5b
5b 2 Kings 5:7-12
- 5c
5c 2 Kings 5:13-18
- 5d
5d 2 Kings 5:19-23
- 5e
5e 2 Kings 5:23-27
Memory Verses about Elisha
- 2:12 2 Kings 2:12, CSB
- 2:14 2 Kings 2:14, CSB
- 5:1 2 Kings 5:1, CSB
- 5:8 2 Kings 5:8, CSB
- 5:10 2 Kings 5:10, CSB
- 5:11 2 Kings 5:11, CSB
- 5:13 2 Kings 5:13, CSB
- 5:14 2 Kings 5:14, CSB
- 5:15 2 Kings 5:15, CSB
- 5:17 2 Kings 5:17, CSB
Daniel, Daniel 1, 3, & 6
- 1a
1a Daniel 1:1-7
- 1b
1b Daniel 1:8-16
- 1c
1c Daniel 1:17-21
- 3a
3a Daniel 3:1-7
- 3b
3b Daniel 3:8-14
- 3c
3c Daniel 3:15-23
- 3d
3d Daniel 3:24-30
- 6a
6a Daniel 6:1-9
- 6b
6b Daniel 6:10-12
- 6c
6c Daniel 6:13-18
- 6d
6d Daniel 6:19-24
- 6e
6e Daniel 6:25-28
Memory Verses about Daniel
- 1:8 Daniel 1:8, CSB
- 3:17 Daniel 3:17, CSB
- 3:18 Daniel 3:18, CSB
- 3:25 Daniel 3:25, CSB
- 3:28 Daniel 3:28, CSB
- 6:10 Daniel 6:10, CSB
- 6:22 Daniel 6:22, CSB
- 6:23 Daniel 6:23, CSB
- 6:26 Daniel 6:26, CSB
- 6:27 Daniel 6:27, CSB
Scripture quotations marked CSB and verses used in the games have been taken from the Christian Standard Bible®. Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible®, and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers, all rights reserved.